Sunday, May 27, 2018

Seoul: Industrial District at night

This could be called an industrial or market district, really. This neck of the woods was just a little way out past Dongdaemun, after walking through the underground tunnels for a while. This definitely wasn't the glitzy, glamorous side of Seoul you typically see in K-drama / K-pop, but it was certainly an interesting one. I even found the back-end of Bangsan market, the food-industry supply area where I purchased my gyerrang-pang pans on an earlier-in-the-day-visit.  Inevitably, businesses do tend to close for the day and shutter their doors so that their employees can eventually get home.  Most malls close pretty early, while markets might linger into the evening, but these areas evidently had no need or want for late-night exchanges. Busier areas stay open later, but I guess this is not one of them. It was pretty interesting, for me, to walk through these deserted areas and at times I did have to wonder if I was really supposed to be here or not. It was so empty that it almost felt like humans consciously avoided the coordinates, you know what I mean? 

Was this a gang or crime-heavy area or something that I was oblivious to?  I, of course, cannot say because I simply don't know.  There was a remarkable amount of graffiti covering the walls and shop-fronts, but I'm in no place to distinguish whether these were simply youthful rebellious expressionisms or territorial tags meant to outline boundaries in the face of rival groups. I walked with my head high and no one messed with me during my journey, but to be fair there wasn't really that many other people around to interact with...



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