Saturday, May 26, 2018

Seoul: Fry dog

Ah, yes, look at that glistening testament to the powers of innovation and deep frying! 

What, exactly, are we looking at here? Let me break it down for you- similar to how a corn dog is a wiener on a stick coated in golden-brown fry batter that is cooked in oil until steaming hot and cooked through, this beast takes it a step further and adds wavy-cut french fries to the mix for an external barrier with immense crunchy-carby glory. All those crunchy, crispy edges from the fries crackle as you bite in, but the steaming hot interior is all fresh-hot potatoes and batter, the glue holding the fries to the dog. The batter to sausage ratio is definitely leaning towards the carb-heavy side of things, so don't expect a spectacularly meaty bite- but maybe this is just the particular vendor I got mine from, and other's will have a better ratio. I cannot say. As delicious as this treat was, it was definitely more of a novelty than something I could eat on a consistent basis. Even with all that pretty red ketchup drizzled over top for color, this is pretty much void of any beneficial health value. It was fun to mow down on the side of the road as floods of tourist and local traffic streamed by, but I definitely felt it like a brick in my gut as I got up to walk around and explore further. 

Overall, I'm gonna say try it at least once if this sort of thing is your bag, baby. Life is short and no one lives forever. I enjoyed it, and next time I'm in Korea I'm sure I'll try another vendor's variation on the theme, because why not? There are so many delicious options to be found throughout Seoul, for any preference and palate, that you shouldn't limit yourself. Food is also pretty affordable throughout the area, from my experience, so be brave and try all the things!

Until next time dolls~


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