Saturday, April 14, 2018

Korea: Kwang Jang Market

If you want to know what my happy place is like, to really experience it viscerally and inhale the happiness deep into your lungs, nostrils and gullet, you couldn't do much better than coming here. While there may be a handful of places in the world that could compete for my affections on a level that would hold any sort of flame to Gwangjang (or Kwang Jang) market, it's not an easy level to obtain. This market is typically bursting with life and the air dense and heavy with an odorous symphony I can only imagine... seriously... my sense of smell is pretty much nonexistent, so what this place actually smells like is beyond me. Practically every food cart, of which there are oh-so-many, is billowing with plumes steam. Maybe it's from freshly steamed dumplings, or boiling cauldrons of soup, or a hot oiled griddle being covered in an array of colorful Korean-style-pancakes (meaning everything from fish to veggies coated in batter and griddle-fried to mouth-scalding perfection). 

There are so many good foods to be found in this market that no matter how many times I've gone (which is several now) I can't possibly have tried them all, or in all reality, even a small fraction of the offerings. The vendors will do their best to grab your eye, ear, or sniffer as you walk by their booths in the hopes of getting another eager mouth to feed. It's hard to resist, and if you lack a strong sense of determination you might find yourself stopping every 5-15 feet. As this is a very heavily trafficked tourist destination, the vendors have grown to be mostly patient and amicable (or at least apathetic) towards a camera lens, but try to be aware when sticking your cameras or phones into people's faces. No one wants to be that guy (or gal), right?

More photos below!

Catch you next time!


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