Sunday, April 15, 2018

Korea: Dinner with Kelly O., Wilfred L. and Fun Caricature Crew

When you work as an internationally traveling caricature artist, you're bound to run into a few others who share your predilection for wandering and drawing. The caricature community is fairly small and tight-knit, which makes sense given the nature of the work. You're often drawing with other artists at your side for long hours of the day and between customers, you can commiserate with the unique challenges and frustrations (and joys!) of being a caricature artist by trade. Taking your art on the road can be especially rewarding, but also presents its own set of challenges and tribulations. Depending on where you are you can get homesick or feel isolated due to linguistic difficulties, so forming friendships with your peers is an important part of making the duration of your habitation as enjoyable as possible. During my stay in Korea there were several other artists who came through to visit, and it was always an honor to meet them. I mean, just look how cuddly that guy looks! 

Drawing of Damien Dunn and Kelly O'Brien by Kosuke Miyagi.

Kelly was one of those artists who'd been to many of the same places I had, yet we'd never actually met until she came to Korea to visit.  This has happened a couple of times, and it was always so much fun meeting the other artists! She's an astoundingly talented artist and all around good person, so it was awesome having the chance to meet her! She already knew most of the Fun Caricature company because she'd worked with them for a good solid chunk of time, so she was already out with them when I met up with them for dinner. 

Perhaps not surprisingly, the presence of two tall white women didn't go unnoticed for long at the restaurant. Kelly, being an extroverted and friendly gal, made friends with these guys right away. 

Always the artist, she had her sketch pad at the ready. It turned into a trade, as it turned out one of the friendly fellows was versed in a traditional Korean cultural seal that he drew up for us as gifts. Righteous! I don't know about you guys, but these are some of the most meaningful exchanges for me, because they're so random and unexpected. 

Another talented artist, Wilfred Lee, joined us. While he had worked with Fun Caricature in the past, he had moved on to a new company by this point so I hadn't met him prior to this. He's since moved to Canada with his lovely wife, whom I also met that night. Both wonderful, kind people and also extremely talented. It was definitely my honor to get to meet them!

More photos to follow~

Also, I totally get a kick out of seeing other artists work. Everyone's technique is unique and it's fun to see how differently we can approach the same thing. There's always something new to be learned, after all. 

Until next time!


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