I don't know about you guys, but Antho had bought our tickets to see the momentous, much-anticipated Infinity War (in 3D) weeks before it actually came out. Marvel has been building up to this movie for a decade now, and it's built up an immense universe with a huge cast of heroes rushing in to save the world, time after time...but what if they can't? Is there ever going to be a threat that is too great for Earth's (and the Galaxies') greatest heroes? That seems highly improbable, given how successful our heroes have been in past movies, but when the newest menace appears on the scene, that big Purple guy with the ballsack for a chin, he poses a much larger threat than any of his predecessors... except, maybe, Ego? Because the dude was a celestial, a literal planet capable of creating life like a god, so...but Thor himself is actually a God... so I digress. What even is Thanos? Aside from a big mean purple hero eating machine, I mean. In some of their previous installments, they've touched on this idea of their fallibility a bit, giving Iron Man a case of PTSD and some cosmic dread when he has a vision of impending doom, but for the most part the Avengers and friends have done a pretty bang up job at keeping Earth (and the Galaxy) safe enough. There have been civilian casualties, and damages, which was what lead to the events of Civil War, but for the most part we haven't lost any of the major players or important battles.

What this all translates to, for Infinity War, is a movie with a lot of moving parts and a lot of anticipation. There's a huge cast of beloved heroes necessitating screen time and character development... because despite having most of our heroes fleshed out and developed in their own individual character films, there has to be some grounding and development in this movie for the consequences or results to have weight. We've had so many new characters introduced into the MCU in recent years: Tom Holland's Spider-man, Ant-man, Black Panther, Vision, Doctor Strange... So one of the movie's first challenges is bringing all of these individuals together, somehow- which is where Thor Ragnarok branching into the galactic space helps, as it gives sufficient backing to Thor running into the Guardians crew, but we still have to unite all our Earthbound heroes, too... and get to the meat of the plot, the conflict, the epic battles... Even though the movie is 2 hours and 40 minutes, it felt rushed and some crucial plot points felt shortchanged in their brevity to me. Then there were glaring absences of people who, for all intents and purposes, SHOULD have been there. Where'd they go? Are we to assume their absence means the worst or the best? Or were they just deemed inconsequential bit players after gaining ground in our hearts in previous films?

There's absolutely no doubt that there's going to be a follow up to this movie, because holy shit. I'm not going to discuss how it ends, just that it's not satisfying to me. At all. I knew going into it that there was going to be a cliffhanger ending because of course there is, but I still wasn't prepared nor was I happy. And now we have to wait at least another year for the second half.
After the credits wrapped, the girl seated next to us in the theater was complaining loudly that she had been dragged out for "half a movie". Not really sure how she would have survived 10 years of Marvel movies thus far and not concluded as much was bound to be the case, but not everyone watches Superhero movies for fun I suppose. I don't watch football but I know what the superbowl is, and that's essentially what this movie is for the Marvel Universe, right?
Anyway, if you're a fan of Marvel you're invariably going to go see this movie if you haven't already gone. It's headed towards making $230 Million for opening weekend. If you're reading this post debating whether to go see it, just go. Be part of the zeitgeist. Peer pressure and all that.
As for me, I'm going to be processing all the emotions I'm left with after this movie and all the shit going down on the CW Flash lately. 💔
Thanks for stopping by!