Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Seattle: Danny Woo International District Community Garden

How's the weather where you are? Here in Seattle it's been pretty grey and chilly the last few weeks, as the stereotype of the city likes to suggest. To be fair, this late fall season of 2019 has actually been pretty mild compared to recent decades, with low-snowfall occurring in the mountainous areas up north and a light drizzle rather than a downpour. Mild, of course, is not to suggest that it's been particularly sunny or warm- simply that it's not as chilly as it should be. Could that be global warming at work? You betcha! I'm not going to lecture you about the climate situation right here and now, but it's certainly a topic we should all be mindful of, if not deeply invested in. #Reduce, #Reuse, #Recycle . I'll step off of my tiny soap box now...

If you so happen to find yourself in the city of Seattle and able to partake of this especially "mild" late-fall season, you could pop over to the Danny Woo International District Community Garden for a quick stroll between bites, since it's mere steps away from one of the main drags of the International district, with access to a wide array of delicious restaurants within either short walking or driving distance. There are many public gardens dotting the cityscape of Seattle and they're all as unique as the areas they thrive in, so I think it's worth taking some time to visit them when you spot them. On the day we visited this garden there was a consistent drizzle plopping down upon us, so the garden grounds were well-saturated and a bit soggy, to say the least. It's probably better to visit when it's less likely to be so over-hydrated, but this is Seattle we're talking about, so your mileage may vary. While the ground may have squelched a bit below our feet, and we may have slipped a smidgeon once or twice, we quite enjoyed our visit and were happy to have found this little green gem tucked in among the sloped streets of the International district. Besides, it's good for your health to take a walk in nature, so not only are you upping your step count but getting to take in some hidden nature!

Hope you're having a warm and cozy holiday season, wherever you are! 


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