Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe, a staple of Seattle's odd, eclectic, esoteric curious consumer. Whether you're looking for a shrunken head, whatever it is people choose to do with shrunken heads...or a taxidermied monstrosity, a mummy, a goofy gift, post-card, or general trinket to show you've been there, you've found the right place. This was one of the few locations that Antho actually researched prior to our ending up there by coincidence, so he was beyond ecstatic when he realized where we'd arrived. While there are some signs floating around, you might have to search with the purpose to find the place, though we found it by sheer chance, the Shoppe is nestled into an inconspicuous location on Pier 54 behind a meat pies restaurant. Antho could giddily spend days exploring these kinds of places, googling all the odds and ends that proliferate, and Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe is certainly not lacking in curious bits and bobs to lay your peepers on. I have to admit, I get a bit of a bad vibe from the idea of taking a dead thing and putting it on display as a novelty, in the case of their mummies and shrunken heads, though I suppose they could simply be mimicries or fakeries made out of other dead things stuffed and sewn back together...but, still, kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. That isn't to say that being into taxidermy is wrong, it's just not my cup of tea, my shot of whiskey, or any approximal form of appealing to me, personally. To each their own, sugarbear. You do you if you're into it, so long as we're not talking Silence of the Lambs level taxidermy, in which case, you should consider seeking out a therapist, to say the least.

Ciao for now~
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