Sunday, November 25, 2018

Washington: Foggy Fall Morn and Morning Pages

Imagine; cool air kissing your cheeks as the first gentle rays of morning sunlight tentatively glimpse through the clouds, birdsong and squirrel chatter filling the air as rich coffee steam fills your nostrils. Kisses on the forehead and tiny smooches from a furry friend. It's not a bad way to start the day, right? I'm certainly not complaining. I can't really recall now how long Antho's been in the habit of making my coffee for me, but it's been a consistent occurrence since we've moved north. He's generally an early riser and has been since the beginning, though I'm still trying to adapt to this whole morning thing. I've gotten into the habit of writing morning pages, which is a fancy term for stream-of-consciousness journaling when you first wake up. I first heard about on the Lavendaire podcast, I think, when Aileen was discussing it with one of her guests. Since my day job gives me full permission to listen to headphones while I work, I've taken the opportunity to catch up on all those podcasts and streams I've been missing!  When it comes to morning pages, the advantages are manifold, but for me, the most important have been clarity and space. I am always traveling and running around for my job, and traffic in Seattle is no joke! It's really easy for my type-A, perfectionistic, over-analytical personality to get overwhelmed and stressed out, and I've got the white hairs to prove it. Taking the time to clear my mind and prepare for the day, both mentally and physically, has been a huge step forward in managing my anxiety and stress levels. There have been some hiccups along the way, as Antho typically has way more energy upon rising than I do, so it took a few tries for him to understand and appreciate that my morning process is a bit different. These days, he'll bring my coffee in and give me some time to write out my thoughts while he steps outside for some fresh air and vaping. This gives him some time to relax and rev up for the day, while I get my words out onto paper and psyche myself up for the day's challenges. This has given me so much insight, whether it's tuning in to my body and recognizing that I have a fever and need to spend the day resting, or acknowledging a frustration or roadblock that prevents me from achieving my goals. Every day is a work in progress, but as long as we keep working, we'll keep improving, right?

Thanks for visiting! Until next time~


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