Thursday, November 1, 2018

Reno: Wild horses and gliders in the city limits

Since most of our drive through Southern and Central Nevada happened at night, we didn't see much of the landscape until we awoke the next morning in a small town just a short drive from the city limits proper for Reno. We'd made a fair bit of distance for leaving so late in the day, but we still had quite some distance left yet to cover so we didn't want to dawdle in our campsite for too long. Upon waking, however, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that we had some four-legged company grazing not far from our vehicles. We were able to get some photos of the crew, what seemed to be a small family unit with a youngling in toe. There's a lot of wild horses throughout Nevada, but they're not something you encounter much when you're in Las Vegas, you've got to get a bit further out. We weren't in the total boonies here, either, which made our guests all the more of a wonderfully unexpected delight to see! 

Antho, in his typical fashion, was up around sunrise and exploring the area a bit. I was so wiped out from driving late into the night prior that I slept closer to 8am, landing me about 4-5 hours total sleep. It's not easy hauling across the country on a set time frame (places to be, job interviews to attend, that sort of business), and we were only in the first stage of a thousand-plus mile journey! Given that circumstance, we did a quick stretch and vehicle check to make sure we were ready to go before preparing to embark out for the day. For the drive, we had walkie-talkies in each of our vehicles, allowing us to stay in immediate communication without having to manhandle our phones while on the move. Don't text/navigate/call and drive, guys! For real! It's dangerous out there! My car has an updated stereo to sync with Bluetooth, allowing me to drive and listen to the map directions without having to hold my phone...most modern cars are going to come with that sort of thing standard, but my car is over 25 years old so she came with a cassette tape deck and AM/FM radio. Old school, baby. 

So after admiring our four-legged friends in the desert, and looking up to catch someone gliding in a strange fan-powered chair set up. Quite the exciting start to the day, and we'd barely just gotten started! 

My sleepy little co-pilot, Ollie!

And away we go!
Check back tomorrow for the next step in our adventure~


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