Once upon a time, in the mystical and far-off land of Urayasu, Chiba-ken, Japan, a naive young female thing was flown over to draw at Tokyo Disney Sea. In her free time, this strange little duckling would waddle off to explore the nearby area and sometimes even venture into the big city, where untold mysteries abound. The moist, humid air gave much-needed hydration to the environment and allowed all manner of beautiful plants and blossoms to bloom, further adding a layer of magic as each season brought new delights in an incredible array of colors and shapes. The desert, with its own mysteries and subtle beauty, never provided such abundance of growth in foliage or shades of color, and thus a desire to embrace this propensity towards growth began. Lugging bags of potting soil, and the various pots themselves proved an interesting challenge on a bicycle, but it was pulled off, somehow. Seeds were bought, and seedlings, too, because the more the merrier in her green kingdom. Day by day, week by week, the garden grew. New varietals joined the gang, and growth was eagerly charted. There were tomatoes, cucumbers, bitter melon and peppers, aloe and even an indoor ficus tree. To her utter delight, these things flourished and grew, something that seemed an ever elusive goal in the arid, assaulting heat of Nevada. The patio was rapidly colonized with swirling, exploratory vines, and bright, happy yellow and white flowers. When petals recoiled and fruits began to take their place, it was an endless source of curiosity as the plants evolved from one form to the next.
And like her vines, her hair grew, too. Soon it began to tickle her elbows as she rode her bike or tickling her back in the shower. It had been years since the growth was tended, a wild forest of overgrowth sprouting from the scalp. At times this served as a security blanket, a protection against the harsh glare of an angry coworker or the perpetual curiosity of casual citizens probing with their eyes to try to decipher what her purpose or meaning was, and at other times it gave way to confusion as young children assumed she might be a Princess, as she skirted nervously through the corridors of the mermaid lagoon. No changing of color was permitted in the magical kingdom, so only natural hair in its untouched shade straight from the scalp proliferated. It grew and it grew, with little desire to trim it manifesting in its host. Over time, it came to be the longest it may have ever been, though such things are a bit difficult to delineate.
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