Monday, August 20, 2018

Vegas: Clouds and rainbows

Rain isn't exactly a common occurrence here in the dry and arid desert, where dust and cactuses rain supreme. Cacti are the primary foliage specifically because they've used centuries of hard-fought experience and evolved to capture and hold onto any and all precipitation they can find, kind of like a clingy mother-in-law who won't let her little birds off into the world or the arms of a loving partner for fear of losing them entirely. These things. Nature seems to have a way with patterns, an affinity for them, when applicable- whether it be behavioral archetypes or weather patterns. Despite having roughly 363.5 solid days of sunshine and dry weather unsullied by unexpected wetness falling from the sky (egads!), there are still those few and far between showers that break up the routine. As much as these sporadic and often brief rain showers and storms can literally rain on people's parades, they're a much-needed burst of literal life-blood to the dehydrated lands and people that reside here. Water is an absolutely precious resource here in the desert and is also sorely lacking, with this drought lingering for decades now. As the city continues to grow and expand, the demand for water will also rise and things may end up rather tricky in the future. 

So when it rains, the locals cheer. We pray it pours, that the sky cracks violently open and decades of pent-up sadness come sobbing out of god's giant blue eye to flood the valley and refill our long-dwindling lakes and reservoirs. Sometimes, the typhoons bring us dashed hope and flash-flood filled roads, but more oft than not the tempests blow themselves out before they can do much damage and we're left doing our paroxysmal rain dances again, waiting. But at least these brief showers bring rainbows with them, a reminder that beauty inevitably blooms in the space left behind when the storms clear away. Another metaphor from nature, perhaps? Indubitably. Just like how the sun will always shine again, no matter how deep and dark the night or storm may rage, things in life will improve for you with time and space if you let them. And that's kind of cool. Thanks, nature! 

Photos in this post were, as usual lately, provided by Antho. Thanks babe!

Love and snuggles from our naked girls, Buttercup and Deadpool (RIP)~


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