Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Seoul: Dongdaemun Morning

Mornings were typically not all that exciting for me.  I had my routine, where I'd wake up at least an hour or hour and a half before I had to leave for my day... there'd be the required shower to rinse away any sweat or sleep funk that had accumulated over the evening, and a meal- most mornings toast with eggs. Always some coffee. Back home in the states I often use a French press for my morning brew, as I like the balance in flavor and intensity, but I experimented with pour over brewing methods and instant coffees while living in Korea due to limited counter/cabinet/kitchen space and a hesitance to purchase any sort of appliances I'd have to leave behind or try to take home. Some mornings I might have a bit of worry as one of the other housemates occupied the bathroom and I panicked over whether I'd have time, but more often than not it all worked out fine. Once the house routine was all managed, off I'd go- to the elevator, then down the street at a brisk clip, then plodding down the stairs or escalators at Hwajeong station. The destination would change: some days I'd be working in Anguk, other days I'd be at Lotte world, so I'd have to plan accordingly. Some routes took much longer than others, but I was almost always on time! The trains tend to run pretty regularly, though some odd times I'd find myself switching trains as the car I had originally hopped on was retired for the time being. These things happen.

So, too, does pigeons finding their way inside the train stations from time to time. There are many smaller rural stations that are more open to the outside elements, but finding this poor bird so far inside Dongdaemun seemed a bit strange. An entertaining moment in the morning ritual. 

With the winter chill settling in more and more each morning, I was finding the brisk walks especially pleasant. Also good for taking photos, as the crowds hadn't really gathered yet as at this early hour many of the shops hadn't opened for business. I took advantage of this and captured a bit of the early morning calm as I enjoyed it. 

More photos below!



Thanks for stopping by~


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